Forge of Empires - Build a city! Build an empire & travel through the ages! From ancient civilizations, through medieval kingdoms, and all the way to the future. Rise and rule your lands with pride! Forge of Empires was originally released in 2012, becoming an award-winning strategy city-building browser game. This RTS MMO sim is live for 9 years now …
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2020/06/23 2019/07/04 Build a Stone Age Settlement in the online strategy game Forge of Empires, fight through history and develop an industrial empire. Build majestic cities, create a strong alliance, choose your patron god and conquer the world! 2014/01/30 Forge of Empires lets you build your own city and develop it into a mighty empire. Write history as you progress through the ages. Time for a new era! In the browser game Forge of Empires you can build your own city and experience Forge of Empires is free to download and install. However, some game features can also be purchased for real money. If you don't want to use this feature, please disable in app purchases in your device's settings. A network 2010/07/08
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